4 slices of challah bread (or any thick bread that absorbs well)
1 cup coconut milk ( I made mine with ⅓ cup coconut cream and 1 cup water)
1 inch ginger
2 TB pure maple syrup
8 oz. frozen diced mangoes
⅛ cup of coconut sugar
Coconut Whipped Cream to taste
Blend coconut milk, ginger and maple syrup. (If you are not already using a prepared coconut milk, then you can make it by blending coconut cream and water together.)
Pour into a bowl, shallow and wide enough to dip your bread.
Over low heat, combine mangoes and coconut sugar in a sauce pot and let simmer for 15 minutes. (Do this step first so that it will be ready by the time your French Toast is finished)
Heat skillet over medium to high heat with a bit of coconut oil
Slice bread in 1′ slices and dip in mixture making sure to coat both sides.
Remove from liquid, shake off excess and place on hot skillet.
Gently fry until golden brown on both sides.
(This takes about 2 minutes per side)
Serve French Toast with Mango Coulis and Coconut Whipped Cream.